dreizehn by Gauster

  • Opening hours
  • Partner restaurants, Styrian/Austrian cuisine, International, Bar/Pub, Wine bar, AMA gourmet region participant
dreizehn by Gauster I Graz | © 5komma5sinne - Helmut Schweighofer


The restaurant meets the following criteria:

  • Outdoor dining


Top chef and owner of dreizehn by Gauster Michael Gauster comes up with a sophisticated fusion of bar and restaurant. At noon, there's a lunch with an entrée and main course, plus espresso and "a sweet treat" - also for those who are pressed with time but still want to enjoy a high-quality lunch. You won't find a classic menu here. Instead, casual dining and innovative kitchen creations dominate. Insider tip: the multi-course surprise menu. A remarkable wine selection rounds off the offer in the stylish ambience.

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dreizehn by Gauster
Franziskanerplatz 13, 8010 Graz
Phone number