Accessible museums
Explore Graz museums without obstacles
The Cultural Capital Graz offers a large number of attractive museums, most of which are barrier-free.
We have summarised the accessibility and local conditions for people with disabilities and special needs here.
- Armoury (.pdf)
- Children's Museum - FRida & freD (.pdf)
- CoSA - Center of Science Activities (.pdf)
- Folk Life Museum (.pdf)
- Graz Museum (.pdf)
- Graz Museum Schlossberg (.pdf)
- Kunsthaus Graz (.pdf)
- Natural History Musuem (.pdf)
- Neue Galerie Graz and Bruseum (.pdf)
- Salon Stolz (.pdf)
- Eggenberg Palace (.pdf)
- Archaeology Museum - Eggenberg Palace (.pdf)
Note: Click on the red icon on the bottom right of our website and use the AccessiWay tool to adapt the content shown to your needs!
21 Results