Accessible attractions
Experience Graz without barriers
Exploring the Old Town of Graz and Schlossberg hill is also possible for people with restricted mobility. For instance, the Schlossberg lift and Schlossbergbahn funicular offer a quick and easy way to ride up to the city’s landmark hill.
Due to the growth of the city in former times cobble stone pavings and steep streets could impact your discovery tour through the historic city center. We try to improve your experience by beleved pavements, an extensive blind guidance system, many acoustic traffic lights and handicapped parking space.

Useful information
for people with disabilities
The clock tower, the Kunsthaus, the town hall, the Landhaus, the opera and the Graz Museum Schlossberg can also be felt in three dimensions. The miniature bronze models are located directly in front of the respective attraction. Tactile models are also on display in the exhibition at the Graz Museum Schlossberg. Tactile information and an audio guide with audio description are also offered there. The Graz Museum in Sackstraße repeatedly designs inclusive exhibitions and also offers guided tours for blind people. Guided tours with tactile objects are also offered on request in the buildings of the Universalmuseum Joanneum.
Salon Stolz has many interactive stations with audible and tactile elements. In addition, the exhibition texts are written in Braille and tactile profiled writing.
» Barrier-free museums in Graz
Yes, the Murinsel is wheelchair accessible. From the right bank of the Mur you can reach the Murinsel via an asphalt ramp (6-10% incline), from the left bank of the Mur via a combination of ramp (6-10% incline) and lift.
A special tactile floor guidance system consisting of grooved and knobbed panels was developed in Graz. Pedestrian crossings have tactile attention fields in the shape of a T. In addition, more than 70% of the city's traffic light-controlled intersections and road crossings are equipped with acoustic auxiliary signal systems. These devices also contain tactile information about the upcoming crossing route.
Basically, the city center of Graz is easily accessible with a wheelchair. The zero lowering of the pavement at pedestrian crossings is particularly positive. Due to the historical growth of the city, cobblestones and steeply sloping streets (especially Sporgasse, Bürgergasse and Burggasse) can limit the obstacle-free tour of the old town a little. In order to be able to easily reach the city crown of Graz with the cathedral, mausoleum and castle, special routes for wheelchair users (.pdf) have been worked out.
A special city guide in simple language, which is published by LebensGroß, is available at the Graz Region Tourist Information (Herrengasse 16, 8010 Graz). It can also be used as an audio guide with a smartphone.
In the Graz Museum Schlossberg you can borrow audio guides in simple German. Guided tours in simple language can also be requested at any time in the Graz Museum Schlossberg, in the Graz Museum and in the buildings of the Universalmuseum Joanneum.
With its interactive stations consisting of audible, visual and tactile elements, Salon Stolz is particularly recommended. Attention has also been paid to easy-to-understand language.
In the Graz Museum and in the Graz Museum Schlossberg, guided tours with sign language interpreters can be offered on request. The employees also have basic knowledge of Austrian sign language.
The Universalmuseum Joanneum can use induction loops for deaf people with cochlear implants in all inner-city buildings on request.
In Salon Stolz, music can also be experienced by deaf people: The lyrics of well-known melodies by Robert Stolz are conveyed in videos with sign language and a vibrating cushion makes music tangible. An induction loop is also available in all areas of the exhibition.
» Barrier-free museums in Graz
Useful information
for people with visual impairment
- information on the tactile floor guidance system
- information on acoustic traffic lights
- Graz miniatures: For most of the city’s sights, there are small, three-dimensionally tangible miniature models. The Graz miniatures include the Clock Tower, Kunsthaus, the City Hall, Landhaus, Graz Opera and Schlossberg museum. The miniature models are made of bronze and can be found right in front of the respective sight.
- Guided city tours for people with visual impairment: “HEARing and FEELing Graz”
Useful information
for wheelchair users
City routes for wheelchair users: On weekdays, wheelchair users will generally find it easier to navigate the city routes after 11.00 when streets are less crowded by delivery traffic.
Good to know: There are special wheelchair routes to reach the “Grazer Stadtkrone” (Graz city crown) with the cathedral, the mausoleum and Graz castle. These routes avoid steep and cobbled streets. Please note that these routes are only general recommendations – always plan your visit to the Old Town in accordance with your individual needs and abilities!
NB: To use the city’s public toilets, you need a “Euro key”. This universal key is available for rent at the Tourist Information Region Graz
Guided city tours for wheelchair users:
- Numerous tour operators offer guided tours for wheelchair users.
- Several churches in Graz are accessible.
- Schlossbergbahn funicular and Schlossberg lift can be used by people with disabilities. Since mid-January 2020, holders of a “Euro key” can use the Schlossberg lift for free.
Services and links
The following links are designed to make visits to the Capital of Delight more pleasurable for people with restricted mobility or disabilities:
- general information for people with disabilities
- city map of accessible facilities
- tactile guidance system and pedestrian crossings
- acoustic traffic lights
- Styria for all – Accessible holidays in Styria
- University Hospital Graz (with dialysis unit), Auenbrugger Platz 1, 8036 Graz, T +43/316/385-0
- Landeskrankenhaus Graz II: West: Göstinger Straße 22, 8020 Graz, T +43/316/5466-0, South: Wagner Jauregg Platz 1, 8053 Graz, T +43/316/2191-0
- Unfallkrankenhaus Graz, Göstinger Straße 24, 8020 Graz, T +43/59393/43000
- Krankenhaus Barmherzige Brüder Graz (with dialysis unit), Marschallgasse 12, 8020 Graz, T +43/7076-0
- Dialysis institute, Elisabethstraße 54, 8010 Graz, T +43/316/323322
- Dialysis centre Graz-West, Schererstraße 6, 8052 Graz, T +43/316/574000-0
Good to know: You can rent mobility aids such as wheelchairs and walkers at the following locations:
- Tourist Information Graz Region, free wheelchair rental, free Euro key rental
- Heilbehelfe Georg Egger, Kapellenstraße 105, 8053 Graz, T +43/316/715168
- Cura-San, Kärntnerstraße 131, 8053 Graz, T +43/316/5997-0
- Ortho-Aktiv, Gradnerstraße 108, 8055 Graz, T +43/316/760025
If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact the team of Graz Tourism!
Note: Click on the red icon on the bottom right of our website and use the AccessiWay tool to adapt the content shown to your needs!
Of course, the Graz Tourism team is available to answer your questions: T +43/316/8075-0
All content was developed by Graz Tourismus in cooperation with Cedos. Note: All information without guarantee.