Zur Steirerstub'n

  • Opening hours
  • Partner restaurants, Styrian/Austrian cuisine, child- and family-friendly restaurant, AMA gourmet region participant
Zur Steirerstubn I Graz | © 5komma5sinne - Rene Strasser Fotografie


The restaurant meets the following criteria:

  • For bus groups
  • Outdoor dining
  • Open on Sundays
  • Children's Playground
  • Changing table


Whether large or small, you will be very satisfied! That’s what Steirerstub’n say of themselves – and with justification. What a true pleasure it is to enjoy the view of the Uhrturm clock tower from Zur Steirerstub’n inn on Lendplatz square. At this homey public house in the heart of Graz, the menu includes original Styrian fare and traditional Austrian cuisine. But the kitchen team delights in surprising the guests on a regular basis with unusual ideas and creations.

The restaurant is also certified with the Austrian Ecolabel: This is a state certificate for ecological management that recognises environmentally friendly products and services.

Picture gallery


Zur Steirerstub'n
Lendplatz 8, 8020 Graz
Phone number